
By ABeautifulNow


I was able to get my hands on a old film camera from the 1970 that was in great condition! So I went out to take my 35 pictures on film and it took me a year! When you only have 35 takes you do not "waste" film on just about anything. Last year I got through about half and this summer I  was thinking I just need to get through this film so I can develop it! So I just took my camera out to the back yard and got pictures of the pets and the kids hanging out and doing their thing and you know what... they are now some of my favorite pictures! Dropping of that film to get develop though, I had no clue how they were going to turn out, be to dark to even see the picture, be completely white, be all blurry? I am so happy to say that they all turned out! all of them! look so good! I am so happy! So here is the first one, just my little kitty trying to escape .... again ... 

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