
By KatesGardenPDX


But a very fun day! I stopped by a friend’s new house in my neighborhood- been meaning to visit for a while now. She had her 7 month old grandson today so I got a baby fix too! Then a massage from my amazing massage therapist, then went to pick up my CSA allotment at my local farm. Got home in time to throw appetizers (from Trader Joe’s) into the oven and as soon as they were done headed over to my friend and golfing buddy Lori’s house for happy hour she was hosting for the ladies’ league! Now home, settled into my courtyard with the kitties. It’s cooling down nicely!

This photo was actually taken last night on my deck. I’ve taken to watching the last light fade - it’s so peaceful and beautiful. Not a sole around. Kinda like I live on an estate of sorts with this amazing view!

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