The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Stripes are in, No?

I actually had this top on and was on my way to work when I checked the topic - how handy!

I was in later than anticipated last night as we had a bit of a team do in a park local to the office. It was nice as we had a picnic and then there was a game of ultimate frisbe. I sat the game out but took the opportunity to get some really fun pics.

Today my commute in was mostly disturbed - almost on each leg of the journey which was a pain but I got there in the end.

I have recruited some colleagues to help me with next Friday's blip so that should be fun.

After work Steve and I went to a local (ish) Chinese place for dinner. With the combination of our hours and my dodgy tum we haven't really spend any time together this week. Even tonight, although we at least ate together we were both obviously quite tired and so were light on conversation but I think we both enjoyed the dinner together.

Tomorrow can be a slightly slower paced day although we do have some things to organise as we are off to a neighbours party tomorrow night with fancy dress of "60s" theme - should be fun.

I also heard back from my nurse on the whole tummy issue and she advised to stay on the tablets for my psoriasis and cut down the over the counter stuff I was taken to help relieve the uncomfortable tummy ache.

Since halving the dose meant I improved immediately I thought I might as well give it another go but am fully expecting that by Sunday I will be having the side effects again. We'll see.

Oh and we still need to try to decide on and buy our sofa asap!

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