
By tookie

Mallard Splash

I splashed early in the Y pool doing my PT for my knee bionic knees and my injured rotator cuff....went early then went to acupuncture. Trying to get this weathered bod back into semi working order so I can HOLD my grandson coming next month:) I decided I needed a big attitude adjustment after hearing bum news from the MRI on the rotator cuff---decided to try some alternative things with PT on land and water and some acupuncture etc. as I've had enough surgical side effects for now!!!! I feed good about my present decisions. Got some helpful advice from some fellow blippers and encouragement too so thank you !!!

This mallard splash is dedicated to fellow blipper Tim here fondly known as outdoorguy or Michigan Man. His shots of geese and swans and ducks and wildlife are outstanding!

Lots has gone on around here....getting home readied up for the little ankle biter about to arrive and had some great help from son Martin to clean out and organize some more of the house. At least when they visit it will be more baby friendly!!! And I ordered some black out shades for the room they'll be in and some shades for other windows long overdue. Years ago we took down the ugly drapes and left the windows blind free---now a change ha ha:)

Tonight Big R has lined up to see the Seattle Symphony Cirque de Soleil performance of music with some arobatics I think. Sounds interesting and the music will be good I'm sure. It'll be a late Friday night for us ole foggies ha ha!

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are and hopefully some sunshine to the Midwest part of the states!!! They have suffered enough rains and storms!

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