Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

Secret Pruning....

I've got a few wee projects going on in the local woods. Some successful, some not so.  
>Dry stone circle, too easily demolished, not successful. 
>Log stair case.  Very successful. 
>Crap-le Farm (see yesterday entry). Successful.  Wood adjacent but makes me giggle every time I pass it.
> Old shoe bird nest.  Unsuccessful, as far as I know.
> wood log mud bridge. Semi successful, someone moved the logs for the main puddle but looks like other get the gist and covering smaller puddles.

This one, I reckon, no one will notice. I've been walking through this wood for years now and just noticed these were baby trees in the middle of the path.  Took a set of secateurs and bonsai trim shaped a couple of them, clearing the ground to make them slightly stand out but not enough that you would notice I you weren't looking for them.

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