
By Igor

rules are rules

Anniemay's sunflower is by far the biggest in the neighbourhood.  However, our neighbour Andrew, who gave everyone a tiny sunflower seedling, has changed the rules.  The winner now has to have the biggest flower.

He's done this, I suspect, because his sunflower - about half the height of this one - has a massive flower in bloom.  I knew it would end it tears.

In other news - Anniemay's charity wing walk, which was cancelled owing to the weather, will now take place in 4 weeks time.  Gulp. They've also changed the rules.  What is it with people and rules?

She now has to be able to climb onto the wing of the biplane without the aid of a ladder.  Who are they expecting - Sherpa Tensing?

She signed up for this before her knee went AWOL. I hope this doesn't end in tears too.

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