
By Pinkhairedlady

Short walks regimen again

Mr PHL noticed yesterday evening that Phin was licking one of his paws excessively and when he checked, sure enough, he’s licked his paw pad raw again so he’s on short walks wearing a boot to protect his paw.

It didn’t look too bad this morning but I kept him at home instead of letting him go to daycare. It was a lovely warm day but he slept most of it so I guess he’s using his energy to heal!

I decided to tidy out the kitchen cupboards this morning and despite but having too much to get rid of, am now much happier with the reorganisation. Three loads of washing on the line and dried by dinner time too.

Met up with a doggie friend and get second dog, a slightly reactive rescue called Xavi. He and Phin get in well together but we kept them on their leads whilst we were out. As it was such a lovely evening we opted for a glass or two of wine in her garden when we got back. It was lovely to catch up as it’s been a while since we’ve been able to walk together.

As it was 8pm when I got back to the house, we had a takeaway from the chop shop for dinner!

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