
By MumOf4Wildlings


I have felt quite short tempered and just not myself the last few days. And yes my Jedi is bloody adorable,  but sometimes the constant need for his imagination to be created can be demanding. So to give him chill out time , I chucked him and Lincoln in the bath by 9am. Even though I knew that we would be going out on a park day later. 

We decided we would cycle to the park. The longest distance the jedi has cycled on that big bike. As you can see it's the same size as Lincolns. He did well and listened and walked down the hills. Was it a stressful journey there and back. Yes. But they all worked well as a team and it's important for them to help look out for each other.  

My friend Lisa is the manager at the park and she's amazing with additional needs children.  She has personal experience.  And she knew that we would be coming along and she also knew that the jedi would gravitate towards her and get her to create some kind of outfit. He spotted their plants set up of Mario and decided to be him. So we both helped make a costume for him. Just look how good he looks. 

The last couple of hours the wildlings have just chilled around the house. It's cheerleading tonight so we will be leaving shortly.  

I managed a slow 6km run last night with Xander out on his bike with me. How is it that my biggest wildling is going to be 10 tomorrow.  Lot's to do tonight when they're in bed so I'm catching up on blip now while I can. 

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