Day 21 Colunga to Villaviciosa
It was great to put on clean everything this morning. After 9 hours unbroken sleep I felt in good shape. Those things combined with an excellent breakfast with as much strong coffee as I wanted meant that I arrived at my destination today far too early and with capacity to double the distance. Tomorrow I will have to double the distance, I suspect it’s unlikely that I will feel quite so full of beans.
I walked quite a bit with M from Seville, enjoyable but too fast to absorb things properly, and another reason for my early arrival.
Anyway I’m resting up this afternoon having done a quick scout of the town and will explore more later when things start to open up again.
Villaviciosa seems a lively town and is apparently the apple capital of Spain, with cider distilleries adorning the busy road into the place. The sculpture in the main square is called “The Adoration of the Apple by pop artist Edwardo Úrculo.
The extra is the entrance to the oldest church on the Camino, Iglesia de San Salvador in Priesca (921) with some of the original frescoes intact. It’s currently being carefully renovated, you can just see the foot of one of the stonemasons in the bottom left. Had the Camino not been so busy I might have asked for a wee keek.
17km, 440 ascent, many pilgrims 15 or so, 3 conversations
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