By lizzie_birkett

BSA 1961…

…in Bob’s kitchen!
Bob will do anything for his family, so when his son Paul saw a motorbike that he just had to have, he agreed to let him keep it in the house until he builds a shelter for it.
His son lives with Bob when he’s home from his travels (since he and his ex split up) all over the world building stages for the likes of Taylor Swift and Girls Aloud. 
I don’t think Bob will like having the bike in his kitchen as he is very house proud but a soft touch when it comes to his family. His son doesn’t even have a bike licence as yet so it could be a while. 
I phoned Sarah the oncology nurse at 9am this morning and she said as soon as the results come in she will be in touch. Not today then!
I also phoned out patients, the cafe and lost property about my denim jacket but nobody has handed it in.
I hope whoever has it enjoys wearing it and my lippy in the pocket!

I haven’t done much today, we were both awake again at about 3.30 am and read our books for a while. I couldn’t get back to sleep so came downstairs and listened to a podcast.

We had to go to Settle this morning as Frank had to have bloods taken again. Twice a week just now. While he was there I bumped into Sue our choir leader and her hubby David. It was lovely to see them and chat for a while. I don’t know if you remember but David (84) had to have his leg amputated at the knee last year after he had an aneurysm. He does remarkably well and still sings in the choir and also did Pirates of Penzance with us. Such a lovely couple.

Sausage and mash for tea, one of my faves!
Thanks for all the lovely comments stars and hearts.
:-) X

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