
By ArcLight


It was another poor night's sleep, so I had no difficulty getting up and out in order to get the 8.38 train from Haymarket up to Inverness. More public transport arrived on time! And despite worrying about how busy it would be, it was not particularly busy at least in the part of the train I was in. I mostly read the next book group book - The Bookseller of Inverness. 

Mr A collected me from Inverness and we were back here in time for lunch. It was great to see further progress on the patio works, as documented by Mr A. The sleepers replacing the concrete slabs that hold back the front flower bed are in, and they've started putting in the base, which is all important for a solid foundation for the patio. That and getting the drop right so that we don't end up with rain in the solum....

Round the back, the poppies continue to please and everything is going a bit bonkers in the warm damp weather we've had recently. So we did spend a bit of time tidying up at the back, pulling out weeds and grass from around the patio that supports our picnic table. We sat out for lunch and for dinner. Always a pleasure. In between, I continued reading my book, and did a bit less coughing than previously. It's good to be at home in the north.

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