Keith B

By keibr

The Sofa

This picture is fairly representative of my day. I slept late, got up, ate a minimal breakfast and felt really tired. I thought I'd lay on the sofa and read my book but that was far too energetic and I had to drop the book idea. So I slept another 4 hours on the sofa through the day. No energy for moving or even for thinking! I'm usually fairly stoic about a cold but I was shocked by how little energy I had. Maybe it's Covid...
The party and music concert I'd been looking forward too obviously weren't going to happen. I waved Jan goodbye and made a real effort to stay up, not on the sofa but at the kitchen table, until shortly after 10 o'clock when I went to bed. I slept somewhat restlessly at first but eventually slept through till 9:30 the next morning. That was a lot of sleep, maybe 16 of 24 hours?
Blip didn't get done until the next day...

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