Keith B

By keibr

A little energy...

Slept late but shortly after getting up I felt I was a bit better than yesterday, which was something of a relief.
I took a very short walk round to our postbox. It's only about 300 meters but that's about 275 more meters than I walked yesterday. I also worked a little on the camper van sliding door closure. Again, not a huge job but the brain seemed more in gear today.
That was about it for work but I also read a good bit of my latest book, again something I couldn't do yesterday.
In the late afternoon I suddenly felt the energy go out of me and moved back to the sofa indoors, but I did carry on reading, rather than falling asleep. After some tea (delicious - thanks Jan) I even had enough energy to blip today, and to backblip the last two days.
This is a definite improvement - I do hope it continues tomorrow.

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