Marking Time

By Libra

What a day!

Up at 5a.m to get M to the hospital for a long planned  minor  op. But would he be well enough after his fall yesterday?

Quick check with the hospital. If he is well enough to walk in then they will operate.

M is determined to walk in. Despite last night being in considerable pain and walking with two sticks.

Too much happened to go into the details today except to say yet again there was a breakdown in communications with the hospital which can only be attributed to human error and the heavy workload.

Despite being told originally by the consultant that M would be staying in overnight because they wished to monitor his heart condition today they insist he will be going home this afternoon. I know this is not true and insist, almost in tears. 
( The last thing I want is a dash to A& E in the early hours of the morning.)

Finally, one member of staff is dispatched to sort out the problem.
She returns all apologetic. Yes, there had been a mistake.  Clerical error.
No, this is not the NHS but our first encounter with private medicine.
Photo: Allan Water river in the centre of Dunblane where the young woman vet demonstrated on a badger ( a toy one) how to administer the flea treatment, which I had just purchased,  for my cat.

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