
By soozaday


My stealth photo skills are so limited--I was terrified that the mother at this table would come after me for taking pictures of her daughter. I was ready to say that I would never show her face, and I had visions of her grabbing my phone and throwing it across the room. How to explain that I didn't care about her daughter at all, that I was fascinated by pattern and distortion. Oops, I mean I do care about your daughter, but I'm more interested in lines and shadows. That doesn't sound too good either. Just hope she doesn't notice. The color version is in Extras if you want to vote.

I just heard that Bernice Johnson Reagon passed away on Tuesday. She was a powerful civil rights activist, but I am most familiar with her as a musician and singer, founder of the a cappella group Sweet Honey in the Rock. Every time I hear those women sing I get the chills and am moved to tears. Rest in peace, Dr Reagon.

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