
By Ridgeback13


After rain in the night we woke to sun…! Earlier in the week the forecast had been predicting rain for today and tomorrow and we’d resigned ourselves to lighting the fire and reading indoors both days, so we did a quick rethink.
After breakfast we spent a bit of time looking out some recommendations for Fringe options then researched some local walks to do. I changed into shorts and a t shirt to make the most of the lovely weather and we set off along the shore and up the headland through a lovely wooded area….with that great ‘recently rained on’ smell and some birdsong from wrens and chiff chaffs. We didn’t see the bilberries we’ve picked in recent days but at the top of the hill we found quite a bank of wild raspberries.
We came back via some tracks and lanes (and a unicorn hidden in a garden!), looking up various plants along the way, and chatted to T who was sweltering in his van on the way home after a cancelled meeting.
When we got back into the village we decided to go up the Little Vennel….lined with lots of pots of flowers and lovely cottage gardens…and have lunch at the pub (hummus with flatbread and vegan chilli nachos), sitting in the sun in the garden. Afterwards we walked along to the little supermarket to get something for supper then on to the coffee shop before walking home.
We took our books out to a couple of benches by the beach (no sand at our end of it) and settled down to read in the sun….we’ve been so lucky today as there are clouds all around but we seemed to have been blessed with clear skies just above the village all day!
Of course within a few minutes I dozed off and had quite a power nap, but then read some more and later came inside for some tea and a tasty apple and almond tart from the shop.
Read some more, this time on my bed, then chatted to A as she drove home before making rather a scratch supper. We watched the last two episodes of The Jetty on iPlayer…how come we didn’t suspect the perpetrator?!
We had an early night…all this relaxing is tiring!

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