Living my dream

By Mima


Marian came round for lunch and then to dig up one of the two (of four) blackcurrant bushes that I cut down at the end of summer. I don't need - and nor do I want - four. She needs and wants three, because she grows food for her extended family of four. It was a pleasure to pass it on, knowing that it will be appreciated.

Sadly I had to stand back and watch her dig around the bush and then haul it out of the ground. Digging and hauling are not sensible things for me to do at the moment. 

Even more sadly her efforts to expose the huge roots resulted in the snapping of my spade. However, we have an old fashioned hardware in town where I shall take it next week to be re-handled. I can't live without a spade...

I'm sorting through my brassica seeds this evening: tomorrow is the day to sow the first batch according to my garden diary. Happy days.

Bean supervised.

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