Waiting for John

My heart went into AF not long after I went to bed. I waited about three hours before I called the Ambulance. When I was at the Cardiologist a couple of weeks ago he said he wanted me to go straight upto the hospital when it went off again and not take any medication. As he wanted me to have a Cardioversion. I did wait a while just incase it went back into rhythm. 

One of the Ambulance paramedics remembered coming to our house when John was unconscious. He said that they very worried about him as he was very ill. But once they got him into the Ambulance he came too. He said It was such a relief. That was two years and he remembered him. 

I didn't have a great start after arriving at the hospital...the first doctor I saw wanted to give me medication to slow my AF down. I explained what the specialist had said to me and she said we don't do Cardioversions in A&E and I have to take medication. I asked her if she had read my notes and the letter my GP gave me yesterday to hand into A&E, if I needed to go in. Said said no and walked away. 

After a couple hours another Doctor came and explained what was going to happen when I have the Cardioversion. They checked me over to make sure I was well enough to have it done. Like all the other times as they were getting ready to do it, my heart came out of AF after just about 12 hours. Such a pity as I will have to go through it all again when it happens. 

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