
By kevinmcc

Cat Days of Summer

Well... good news and bad news. The bad news is that my new PC was not ready on Friday as originally thought.

The GOOD news is that I got SO fed up with the tiny keyboard on my little laptop, that I crawled around on the floor with the dust bunnies under my desk, in order to locate the cables to hook up my full size keyboard and track ball to the little laptop.

This weekend will be quite pleasant now, and should allow me to get caught up on looking at, and commenting on everyone's journals!

In the meantime, here is an image of Lello Cat and Gray Cat, enjoying the "Cat Days of Summer." These two guys are inseparable! Best buddies, as near as I can tell. As the "alpha cat," Gray Cat keeps an ever watchful eye for protecting both Lello and Callie. Tandy and I just worry about the threat of coyotes that frequent the area.

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