
Had a lovely day with Mrs P & our friends Randa & Graeme today. They got married 3 years ago today. Feels like only last year we were out here in Florida at their wedding.

Took the boat out from Coconut Point to the Island today, which is where the beach is. Takes about 15 minutes. Just as we were heading out of the doc this bird (think its their Osprey) sooped down, scooped up a fish (looks like a florida sea trout) then landed on the pilar but didn't start eating until we were well away from it.

It put me in the mood of fishing, so I headed to BassPro later in the day and bought fishing gear and a license for tomorrow so we can go back to the beach and I can do some fly fishing from the flats as im not one for sun worshiping. Got back at 21.30 and headed out for dinner at a pretty late hour. Was good though and I'm falling asleep posting this.

Night all.


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