
By AlwaysLast


I tried sending this foto yesterday but the IOS App locked up on me. Even had an awesome description written up via my iPhone. Just got back to my Aunt's house & realized it didn't send before midnight. So it was supposedto go out on Saturday when I took it but I still need to post it.
This is most of my family gathered to honor my parents' memory with interring my parents' ashes in the family cemetery plot in Columbus, Ohio. His cousin who has known him since he was 4 was able to make it, along with mom' sister and dad's sister, and 4 out of 5 of their children. Add in nephews, nieces, spouses and a few of their kids and we had a good group. Dinner afterwards was great food, great family and good conversations - catching up on decades of previously unshared lives.
I created my first music video on my iPad (thanks Mar!) and shared a song that I had written with my parents' favorite Scripture passage from 1st Corinthians 13, the "Love" passage. It was well received. The wonderfully bright sunshine washed out the video but the audio played quite well.
I'm off tomorrow with my big sister to attend a mass dedicated in my Dad's memory then home on Sunday.

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