There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Color and Shape of Water

On Wednesday night, after the big storm system moved through WITHOUT giving us any significant amount of much-needed rain, the temperatures dropped, ushering in a several-day era of much more comfortable weather. Yeehaw!

At home, we got some yard work stuff done - I weeded for an hour and a half in the morning, and for another half-hour at night. My husband mowed the yard. We tidied things up, everywhere. If I say so myself, our yard looks AMAZING.

But in the middle of the day, we took a break and headed over to Couch's for a nice lunch and then a swim at Greenwood Furnace. The water was not as cool as usual, and strangely, it wasn't as clean as Bald Eagle was on our most recent swim there. Funny how the swimming holes can vary in summertime, but they do.

In the evening, it was far too lovely to go inside, so we each grabbed a drink, and we sat on the front porch, talking and listening to music for 90 minutes or more. There was nowhere else we had to be.

We watched the lightning bugs light up. We watched our two or three bats chasing bugs around the sky under a big moon rising. You know you have made the right choices in life when there are just two of you, and that is enough for you to be completely happy in the moment.

And this? This is a photo of the reflections on water at Greenwood Furnace State Park. I thought it made a nice abstract, and so here it is, a confection of white clouds and blue skies on a pretty much perfect summer day!

My soundtrack song is Perfect Symphony, by Ed Sheeran and Andrea Bocelli.

P.S. Here's a piece of advice on a topic I don't usually address: If you want to continue to live in a democracy, if you LOVE democracy, or if you say or pretend you do, here's one simple rule: don't elect a dictator-wanna-be to power! Rock on, land of the free and home of the brave! Stay free!

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