Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Met up with blip friends Chris ( 60plus ) and her husband Roy and Pat ( Shygirl73  )this morning.  We went to Cafe 16 which is in the refectory of Newcastle Cathedral.  A team of prison leavers staffs the café, led, trained and mentored by the Oswin Project.  See my collage for photos of the cafe windows and ceiling.  Ive also added shots of two of the beautiful stained glass windows in the Cathedral itself.  

We had a nice catch up while we had some refreshments.  I had a coffee - the others had coffee and scones.  We had a look round the Cathedral afterwards.  Even though Im local I had never been inside before.  There was a photographic exhibition so we looked round that.  There were forms to fill in to vote for for your top three photos.  Hard to choose as there were some excellent images.

Then we all walked up towards the city centre and went our separate ways.  I did some shopping in Tesco and I also got some fruit and veg in the Grainger Indoor market.

The weather today was lovely - warm and sunny.  

Steps today - 7,247

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