Honeysuckle and fuchsia intertwined
Got up early after a disturbed night and went to have breakfast in Elvira’s while pondering what to do! Initial thought was to smash the glass in the front door which is due to be replaced anyway. To that end I borrowed a towel from Ian. Whilst having breakfast I noticed a waste removal low loader moving waste and spoke to them about a quote! They gave me a card and then I asked about a hammer! They suggested I borrow one from the workmen in the pub. They leant me one with prongs on the other side of the head!
As I walked back to the flat I met a couple of people I know who came back with me to see what they could do! Rather than break the glass the husband used the prongs to prise off the support beams hiding the glass in place and he removed the glass allowing me to open the door! He then replaced the glass so keys in my bag and no broken glass! So very grateful to have helpful neighbours!
Having got in I was able to clean my teeth and have a bath and get ready to go to a thanksgiving service for Arnold. It was a very special service and his family were amazing. One of his grandchildren had written a poem and he read it out, aged 10! His son read a piece from Winnie the Pooh, his wife Jane told us about his life and m times in the navy and then their life together, and his daughter Rachael told us about the father they loved, his sense of fun and his gentleness and support for his children and his support for refugees. He had a very real faith and was unafraid to die! When he was unable to speak did me to the strike he could still squeeze I Love You in morse code as Jane held his hand, something they used to do in their courting days!
The church was full of people who had known him from his tennis playing days and his art appreciation and water colour pictures days! He was a true gentleman and a joy to know! He is already missed! Indeed at the age of 94 he was one of the first to receive the nuclear test medsy from them queen!
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