Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Guitar festival

A busy day.  Three separate trips out. 

First, we went to Raheen.  We had learnt from visitors at our "Meet the neighbours" weekend that on Friday mornings there is a gardening club at the community centre there.  A lovely gentle couple of hours, helping with some plant care and chatting to local enthusiasts. 

Then after lunch we went into New Ross for some shopping - a visit to the bathroom shop to discuss towel radiators, a visit to an electrical shop to look at electric fires for our lounge, and basic shopping from the supermarket. 

After an early dinner, we went back in to New Ross.  One of the canvassers for the local council elections had waxed extremely enthusiastic about the New Ross Guitar Festival - his wife, for whom he was canvassing, had played a large part in getting it started.  It had already crossed my radar, but his enthusiasm encouraged me to book tickets for a concert.

The venue was St Mary's Church in New Ross which we would probably never have visited without this stimulus, but which has a fascinating history.  We arrived early enough to look around the outside before the concert.  A photo in extras.

And the guitarist, Xuefei Yang, was fantastic.  A sample here.

I'll be watching out for the festival next year.

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