Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Wrong time and Place

Joe took the girls to the airport this morning at Paine Field, which is 10 minutes away.  20 min later Joe pulls in and I hear a little voice say.... Mema!!!!   Uh oh!!   As it turns out she clicked on the flight at 8;45pm and thought it was AM.   Then she realized she also clicked on Seattle and not Paine Field!  So the kids hung out all day and I drove them down to the Lite Rail about 5PM.  They didn't have any problems and are finally on their way home.   They will probably get home around midnight. 
  We enjoyed a bit more time with them even though I had to work and had Food bank . 
 Thanks for stopping by and will get to journals soon!!
  My new Lily in the extras and she smells amazing!!

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