
By meles

Looking east

I accompanied the Custodian on his unlocking of the abbey - managed to climb to the top of the bell tower. It's much easier with no visitors there to cause congestion on the spiral staircase. It may be possible to make out a smudge that is the Isle of May in the far distance behind an oil tanker, although the closer island on the right is Inchkeith.

Went back to Hawes Pier on the Maid and ascended the steps of doom to have a choice of train or bus - bus turned up sooner. Got a couple of messages in town, then home to re-group.

The first extra shows two aspects of The Custodian's work, the second the original Boaty McBoatface (sorry, Sir David Attenborough) in Rosyth. The large grey thing lurking behind it is The Large Vessel which cannot be named but is supposed to be emerging and passing under the bridge soon.

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