The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Drouthy Neighbours

Awake to find that there had been a global IT crash brought about by an update to some 3rd party component of Microsoft’s viral protection setup. MrT sends a missive around the boys telling us of possible impacts, just in case we’ve missed the news, and signs off that he’s just checked the Diggers Facebook page and the Timothy Taylors is off. What a wag.
Off down to Smeaton as we need plants, and quick. And expensive. A couple of Hawthorns and a Plum tree. And back home I spin off to Homebase to pick up bags and bags of compost and manure. Meanwhile on the next strip Martyn is getting to grips with his new patch and he very kindly brought me out a can of beer as we both worked away. Well, twas warm.
But then off to the cinema - Blur: To The End which I was very much looking forward to. And there are some great nuggets in there but so much more which is left out, despite it not being any sort of glossy promo job. Still terrific though.
And finally another end of day missive from MrT:
Bloody global IT system. W is due back from Bristol so I said I would wait in the pub for her no matter how long it takes. She's on time no delays either end and I've got 5 mins to down my pint as she hasn't got her keys.
Haw haw.

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