
By biddy

East meets West for lunch!

Our two friends and their 6 month old baby, plus a granny from Nepal, came to sample an English afternoon tea this afternoon.
He is a doctor from a small Nepalese village doing some extra training over here. His lovely wife is Chinese and supervises around 300 Post Graduate Chinese students who are in various locations from London to Scotland, teaching Mandarin.
His mum is here helping them to look after their daughter. She speaks English haltingly, but does very well. Some accents she cannot understand. Especially Brummy! Better than I could do in Nepalese!
We met them at Birmingham Vineyard Church not long after they had arrived in the UK.
They had never sampled scones with jam and cream before and have now just gone back home with the recipe.
They live out near the Airport.
We are off round to the family’s shortly to have a cuppa and some birthday cake, and deliver a gift as it was our daughter-in-law’s birthday yesterday.
Then I will be all very full of many calories!
We are just having a cuppa sitting at the little bistro table by the patio window, before venturing forth.
I’ve already felt the odd drop of water from the sky, which looks as if it could drop some more before the day is out.

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