Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Cottage View

We left the Premier Inn this morning and drove to Cardiff to take part in the Parkrun, along with 650 others!  It was a flat course and I found it quite hard going in the muggy air, but it was good to take part.  Afterwards we had breakfast in the nearby Tesco Cafe and did our holiday shopping.  We still had several hours before we could check in to our cottage so we drove to Caerphilly and took a tour of the Castle.  I always think it's odd to see a castle surrounded by the modern buildings of a large town and wondered what its ancients residents would think looking out from the battlements.

Cuppas downed, it started to rain as we left Caerphilly and drove north up the Valleys to our cottage for the next week.  I've spotted white wagtails; barn swallows, spotted flycatchers and a very cute rabbit.  The sky cleared a little as the evening drew on so I popped out to take my blip.

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