One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The Irish Summer...

... the gift that keeps on giving. 

When Consuela and Sebastian booked their Irish summer holiday online in their native Cordoba, they thought that the 100% Drizzle Guarantee (or your money back) was some sort of marketing ploy, that there would be some devious small print exonerating the tour operator in the event of a heat wave. 

They needn't have worried. 

Their relief from the Iberic summer was indeed guaranteed. 

When they found out that the EireBnB had no air conditioning, they got a bit uneasy again, as they unpacked the recommended woolly jumpers and rain jackets. What if most of their week in Ireland was plagued with sunshine and temperatures in the mid to high 30s? 

Again, they needn't have worried. 

The Irish Summer - book your Drizzle Deluxe Package. NOW! 

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