
By JanetMayes

It was a beautiful, bright day, and as soon as J's PA arrived I was outside potting. The gazanias I've grown from seed are now divided between three pots and standing at the corner of the patio; there are just two yellow flowers so far, but lots more buds so I'm hoping for a good mix of colours. . I also moved more tomato plants into their final large pots - I should have finished this long ago, but have been delayed by weather and sciatica. Now, I no longer have any excuses. A little later, as it got hotter, I enjoyed some time under the sunshade on the patio, thinking, planning and writing. 

M left just after lunch, and will now be away for three weeks, so I'll be a lot more occupied than usual with J's various activities and projects. This afternoon she had a meeting on Zoom for which I needed to sign as well as providing general support. As this finished, P proposed an outing, prompted by a parcel to drop off. We parked on Folkestone seafront and walked past the newly developed appartment buildings and into the coastal park. There were the usual beautifully planted beds, this year full of brilliantly blue agapanthus and bright dahlias and nasturtiums. We paused on a bench with our drinks and enjoyed the sea views. The Little pavilion on the photo is beside the boardwalk, invisible here, which runs the length of this beach, and was designed by Lubaina Himid for the 2017 Triennial. Folkestone has one of the best collections of outdoor contemporary artworks in the UK - some of the work commissioned for successive triennials is ephemeral, but much becomes part of the permanent collection:   https://www.creativefolkestone.org.uk/folkestoneartworks/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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