
By JanetMayes

An abundance of white roses

S was here with J today, before she too goes on holiday, and I planned a walk, but it was the hottest day of the year and I couldn't quite face it. I did get some more potting done though, before sitting under the sunshade and wandering round the garden taking more flower photos.

This evening we enjoyed our first barbecue on the new patio. It wasn't all entirely satisfactory - the new barbecue needed a huge amount of charcoal to really heat up, and the food cooked very slowly, with some of it needing to be finished indoors. P is reflecting on how to improve things - our barbecues in our last garden cooked a lot better on a brick built     rectangular structure with a large grill just above the hot charcoal. However, his newly invented vegan burgers were a triumph, and it was lovely to sit outside in the increasing freshness of the evening, watching the sky turn softly pink and a pink-gold moon rise over the downs. 

I've just caught up with three days' photos and journals; today's (Saturday's) will follow tomorrow  - it's time for bed!

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