Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Birds and Boats

"this is MY rock .You stay away!"   these 2 Kingfishers were yakking away at each other for a long time....   I couldn't resist this photo for the blip

Today was perfect conditions for the rowing boat though so we all 3 had a row... Missed a photo of H but you can see Cathy and me in the extra. (Not exactly like the fun double we rowed for so many years here) Plus the first baby seal I've spied on the rocks across the way.   Only my 3 rd time out in this wasn't easy.  Out of breath.   Had a little walk too.    Then Cathy spent some time creating a lovely viking boat for Peter (extra)that we will send out into the sunset after dinner, remember so many fun stories about Peter and Parker and our Parker Island adventures.  will add another extra if we get a good photo.

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