
By littlemissquirk


Woke up early in Dunkeld before I even had my coffee had tucked into my brother’s garden which I planted up three years ago.
He is incapable of weeding so mares tail, rose bay willow herb and many others had taken over.
However after a lot of elbow grease, very satisfyingly revealed the maturing planting that I do carefully planned including amazing hostas that the local large frog population has policed the incipient slug population.
Had a wee walk into Dunkeld for brunch ( sourdough with avocado, black pudding and scrambled egg, different!)
Then finished off the gardening.
Mused about career changes as I seem to be having more and more gardens on my books. If only!
Home quick change then out to Pot Luck including two other blippers. As ever the best mix of food , chatter, laughs and a smattering of politics.

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