
By Battenberg

El sol

We got up for a sunrise swim this morning.
Very peaceful and beautiful.
Walked along the beach and back.
We think we saw turtle tracks and there was a special area where the turtles have laid their eggs.
Lots of pelicans.
A sit in the early morning sun with a cuppa.
Pilates class.
A double crested cormorant watched the whole thing.
A sit by the pool with my book.
Then L and I went for a guided kayak on the lagoon.
Awesome, we were out in the mangroves, we saw great grey herons, a green kingfisher, 4 white ibises, an osprey, a tiny wee crab, an anhinga and a bare throated tiger heron sitting on her nest.
Then we sort of saw the sun set.
What an amazing day.

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