
By SomethingAwful


Woke up as early as I could to finish my packing. My parents, brother, and his friend were due to arrive at 11, so I had a lot to organise. But once I'd managed the bulk of it, Sam and I went to get some pastries for breakfast from the cafe under our flat - literally the first time I'd eaten anything from there, despite living above it for a year!

We brought them upstairs and sat with Thom and Kasia in Axel's empty room, eating and filling the silence.

When my parents arrived, we went to campus to show the boys around, although it was saddeningly empty and quiet. Then back for a pub roast, finished loading the car up, took my keys back, and headed home (the boys had to take the train cos the car was packed!). The journey home was a bit tearful - Elton John came on the radio, and I know it's a bit pathetic to cry to Elton John, but a song that means a lot to me came on, and everything came (literally) flooding back.

These-last-few-days-end-of-an-era-hectic-block-of-time has been both overwhelming and completely underwhelming. At times it felt very, very final and I couldn't help but be filled with a sense of loss, or regret - but at times it didn't feel like the end at all. I guess my last year at Warwick was a pretty mixed bag. If I could go back and change it, would I? Of course I would. If I ever tell you I have no regrets, I'm lying to you. But it's given me some amazing experiences, and I've met, as well as stayed friends with (albeit that wasn't inevitable!) some of the most wonderful people I know. I'm gonna miss this place, and the atmosphere - it saddens me to think I'll never be around all these people in this way again.
Hopefully I'll get the chance to come close.

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