
By Ridgeback13


A morning of packing up and then driving south. We stopped at House of Briar for a coffee, then at Doune to see the sale at Woodlane (didn’t buy anything though) and a very delicious lunch at the Buttercup cafe there, before coming home. Went through rain and sun as we drove, and S managed to speak to her a dad aftr his accident yesterday but he’s home and seemed on good form.
Despite the drizzle we popped down to town to get a couple of gifts for A’s birthday on Monday and then home in rain (which worsened in the evening) for a welcome cup of tea.
Neither of us were hungry so although we’d planned to go to Soi38 for dinner we just stayed home with some crisps and drinks whilst we watched a film with Juliette Binoche called A Taste of Things that was beautiful….amazing light and fabulous cinematography with the long quiet food preparation scenes exquisite.
Has to be an EB of the roses my homeswap people left for me since I have nothing else from today!

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