Good News !

My Grandaughter is much better, such a relief for all of
us, they had her on 3 antibiotics at one stage because
they couldn't get her temp down, but thank god they found
one that worked, I have had a few texts from her and she
can't wait to get home, we always want to be in our own
homes when were ill eh? Isla is doing well too she has taken
to formula milk very well, that upset her Mum that she
couldn't continue to breast feed, but the formulas nowadays
are pretty good I hear. Leah says thank you to you all for
your kind wishes and prayers, she says you are all so lovely.
Me too.. thanks to you all you are such beautiful people.
I think I've worn a path around the garden because I could
not do anything for the last few days except walk around it
thinking of her, every time I stared doing something I just
cried , Im such an eejit , my eyes are slits now LOL
Hope your all having a lovely day.

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