
By edisteve

The Kirkin’

Wandered into town for the Kirkin’

The Kirkin’ of the Honest Lad and Honest Lass marks the true beginning of Festival Week. 
The procession left the Town Hall at 10:30am from under the shadow of the ancient tolbooth which survived the fires set ablaze by the English after the battle of Pinkie in 1547. Nearby is the Mercat Cross, a reminder of when our Toun was the scene of two open-air markets.

The procession made up of previous honest lads and lassies, as well as town VIPs made it’s way up the High Street, stopping off at the war memorial where this years honest lad and lass laid a wreath to the fallen from the town, before heading to North Esk for a service and welcome.

Everyone was dressed up to the nines, with many top hats and finery on display.

This afternoon, the Sashing Ceremony takes place where the honest lad and lass get presented with their emblems of office for the week.

It’s all a lot of tradition and fun.

Have a good Sunday, all. 

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