Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

This morning I was quite sure I would not buy….

… the little plant with specs. But on my way down to church I couldn’t help peeping in the door of the Coop as I passed. And yes it was still there. Mmmm maybe I should re-home it. I left church with a friend who said her car was parked just up the road so would I like lift. My swollen ankles were at odds with my decision to buy the plant but I held my resolve. Slight blip because we stood in the doorway of the Coop before we parted company and I couldn’t see the poor plant on the shelf so very nearly abandoned the idea and took the lift. But the moment passed and I did find my little plant had just been moved. Phew somebody must have contemplated buying it!
I quickly paid for it and headed off. I actually got to my friend’s car before she’d moved off so got my lift home as well. And hopefully I now have an emergency blip subject next to my chair. Will I record its growth or decline…

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