
By spannarama

Welcome back to London

Worked from home today, then Tim drove me to Barnstaple early evening to catch the train to London (after he had spent the day putting up the shelves he made in our dining room - they look great!)  Had a decent journey, but the last bit took a bit longer than expected, thanks to a bit of a weird route suggested by Google Maps.  It had me changing from the Elizabeth Line at Canary Wharf and walking to Poplar to catch the DLR (when I could've just got off one and onto the other at Custom House).  It was tipping it down, and it was a bit of a grim walk to the DLR station - including this not-at-all-spooky sight that greeted me as I walked down a dark alley.  

I just missed a train and had to wait ten minutes for another - so made use of the time by calling Tim for a chat.  When I did get on the train, after a stop or two, someone in the carriage ahead of me vomited very noisily and messily all over the floor.  Welcome back to London!

Got to my hotel room after 11pm, checked in, and had another phone call with Tim - then stayed up too late.

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