
By Hillyblips


The little minx. Our kestrel landed on our perch which if I was in the house would have been a shot however I had to crawl out of my tent hide in full view. I need to be more covert but coughing and sneezing don't cut the mustard in that scenario.

I cannot now be anywhere without my phone since the Tracker App has been installed for Millie. It's scary to be honest and Poppy is bemused by the whole proceedings. I am now seeing border terriers everywhere - it's like funerals ....

The house has been strewn with pond weed. Great really in that we need to get rid of that but I don't need it in the house. Millie thinks the pond is her domain and loves pulling out the weed. It's her swimming pool and number one source of amusement and mine too if I'm honest. Not so keen on the terrace of doom with green wet clumps littering ... Poppy can not sit down in her basket as she is riveted to the antics.

We took Millie over to Malvern today in the van and she was a great traveller. We've got some paddocks and Hubs needed to try and start a mower thingy and bring it back here to cut the grass for the party cars for parking in 3 weeks time. I'm afraid I was a party pooper on that as I felt so rubbish when we got there and spent my time trying to untangle Millie's lead from under the van wheel though the trailer was full of fencing in the end (it's a convoluted story) 

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