My Restless Lens

By terri365


...had some good news!...

Unsurprisingly, poor Emily was still quite distressed when I picked up Daisy this morning.  However, I got a call late last night saying she had some good news!  When she took Pongo to the vet school the orthopaedic consultant told her she did not think Pongo had bone cancer - for three reasons.

A - by the time Emily go to the Vet School, Pongo was weight bearing.  If it was bone cancer he would not be weight bearing.

B - The suspected tumour in the X-ray was too circular.

C - When she inspected Pongo's leg, he did not react in the slightest.

The vet suspected it to be a cyst in the bone, which is rare but can happen.  So the plan was to leave Pongo there while they did CT scans and a first layer biopsy.

When Emily went back the vet said there was nothing in the cyst and the next step would be to take a bone graft from his leg and pack the empty cyst.  The words "bone graft" prompted Emily to tell her that when he had broken his leg a bone graft was taken to aid the repair.  She remembered a bandage at the top of his leg and it has been assumed that was where the bone graft was taken from.  The vet school vet said the shape of a bone graft would be just like the hole in the CT scan...The vet school vet has also written to Emily's vet to ask them to confirm this asap and if it is indeed the location, there is no further treatment and Pogo has maybe just pulled a muscle or staved the broken leg.  

If her own vet confirms that isn't where the bone graft was taken from that location then the vet school vet will do another bone graft and pack the hole made by the cyst.  At the same time she will do a second layer biopsy to rule out bone cancer (a 5% chance it is bine cancer).

Emily is relieved but at the same time is slightly annoyed to have been caused so much distress at being told it was bone cancer.  "There is nothing else it can be"  was said several times by Emily's vet.  I hope she gets a sincere apology from her vet!

In other news, I looked at three cars... and left with none!

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