My Amish mirror

As the day is winding down and I haven't left the house today I realized I had no photo. So it's a picture of my beautiful mirror that had been stored in the barn for the past 10 years. I love this piece. I bought it when I lived in Minnesota. I had gone on an Amish tour and they have beautiful furniture that they make. I hemmed and hawed about this but I'm so glad I bought it and can finally use it. It has traveled from Minnesota to Laramie, then to Maine and back to Laramie. Thankfully, it has survived.

Last night was a hoot. I made a collage and put it in the extras. The bands were great and it was a very appreciative crowd. I stood at the front for the last band and took a picture back over the crowd. Luckily I found someone with extra earplugs which I happily used. It was a late night for me, not getting to bed until about 12:30. I'm ready for an early night tonight.

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