simple moments

By simplemoments

an antique…



blue willow

i was visiting a - neighbor recently checking up - on her to see how - she was doing after - her hip replacement surgery - as i entered her - house i noticed she - had a new dining room - table and on it was - this wonderful little teapot - of course she had - no idea i collected - teapots once upon - a time and so i - simply admired it - stated what kind - it probably was - how old and so on - and out of the blue - she said ‘you take it’ - i was like ‘what?’ - she said my face lit - up and she could - tell it belonged with me

how astute of an - individual to be so - kind and compassionate - to simply be willing - to give something up - to notice someone else - has a fondness for - an item and is okay - with sharing their bounty - she told me she’d - gotten it from another neighbor - who was moving and no - longer wanted it - and she (my neighbor) - thought it would look - good on her new table - but then seeing my face - decided it needed to go - with me and so a - selfless act has made it…


happy day…..

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