
By tridral

Gweithio cyn chwarae

Gweithio cyn chwarae ~ Work before play

“The thing to remember is that Zen evolved a system which had for its object the shattering of the logical framework of conceptual thought. With the mind clear of preconceptions, having ceased to hold opinions, the successful exponent of this technique would experience a turning about in consciousness, or unification with a wider range of awareness. He would “see into his own self-nature”. ”
― W.J. Gabb, (Gabb W. J., ‘Chapter 9 - In which crutches are kicked from under’ The Goose is Out, The Buddhist Society, 1956, p.65)

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Fel eironic fel mae'n ymddangos treulion ni'r rhan fwyaf o'r dydd yn gweithio ar le i ymlacio. Roedden ni'n gweithio ar ein 'patio uchaf' lle rydyn ni'n gobeithio eistedd i lawr (o dan parasol) ac ymlacio yn y pen draw.

Wel, nid rili mor eironic, a dweud y gwir oherwydd oedd y gwaith mewn paradoad i'r plant yn ddod. Rydyn ni wedi gorchuddio'r patio gyda matau stabl i ddarparu ardal i'r plant chwarae yn diogel.

Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at eu gweld ddwywaith y wythnos am y rhan fwyaf o'r haf.

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As ironic as it seems we spent most of the day working on a place to relax. We were working on our 'upper patio' where we hope to eventually sit down (under a parasol) and relax.

Well, not so ironic, to tell the truth because the work was in preparation for the children coming. We have covered the patio with stable mats to provide an area for the children to play safely.

We look forward to seeing them twice a week for most of the summer.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Adlewyrchiad pwll ar ddiwrnod poeth
Description (English): Pond reflection on a hot day

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