A day in the life

By Shelling


It was a good day for continuing the repair-puzzle of my veranda, or balcony, made of limestone-slabs from this island. 
Today I wanted to fix the worst damaged place, which is the right corner, where stones were missing or very unstable. 

When I started this repair last week I had only fetched a small amount of gravel but I soon found out I needed lots more so today I borrowed a trailer and got the amount I think I need for the job. There's so many holes to fill inside the construction in order to produce a somewhat flat surface for the new stones to rest upon. Once done that, it's tricky to make them lie still and not to wiggle about. I almost completed the work but had to stop because of a rain-front passing, I'll continue on the last corner tomorrow. I have no before and after foto, but much of what you see had stones missing or were unstable before I started. 
There's still hope but it's a lot trickier than I thought it would be.

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