Readers World #4: Art Pavilion

The latest shot in Readers' World, outside the Art Pavilion.

We had a nice leisurely morning followed by a summons from our friends, the Hermanos, to come out for coffee. We, of course, duly obliged, and went and had a very nice few hours sitting in the garden of the Bacchus Jazz Cafe, hearing all about their wedding and honeymoon. Time with them always passes so pleasantly. Then an impromptu lunch at the Chinese restaurant across the road - the one with the slightly surly waitress (who does now, it has to be said, crack a smile when we come in).

I saw this young reader on our walk from the cafe to the restaurant.


Finished 'Granta 79' this morning - as always an excellent anthology of different contributions. Moving on to 'My Grandmothers and I' by Diana Holman Hunt.

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