Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

And, finally Cyril?

       Finally I managed to convince the Computer that that thing beside it actually existed and IS a Printer.
       Similarly the Printer discovered that it was in the same town/street/house/room as the Computer.
       The "DOWN" side? It decided to print out the previous 10-12 Sides of previously tried & refused at the first Fence. 
      It's all Mary's fault.  She has had some stumps ever since son(s)? took the bushes/trees out.
       How did Mary get in on the act?  Well I told he'd about ammonium sulphamate as a stump remover and it was while trying to print her out the info. (Neither Al nor Mary are on line) that I got the Printer & Computer finally on squeaking terms. - - finally I fervently hope.

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